Xa estamos inmersos nas distintas actividades do proxecto:
Fixemos un obradoiro de Códices Medievais, analizamos os cruceiros da contorna e buscamos información sobre as árbores centenarias da zona.
Fixemos unha caminata para tratar de atopar algunhas destas especies e recollimos follas para secalas e poñer as súas fotos no Herbario Dixital.
Tamén buscamos información en internet e na biblioteca sobre todo isto para comezar a escribir os textos que irán nos nosos libros virtuais.
We are already immersed in the different activities of the project:
We did a Medieval Codices workshop, we analyzed the surrounding Stone Crosses and we looked for information about the centenarian trees in the area.
We went for a walk to try to find these species and collected leaves to dry them and put pictures of them in the Digital Herbarium.
We also look for information on the internet and in the library about all this to start writing the texts that will go in our virtual books.
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