Horenychi Secondary School


Hai só unhas poucas semanas os encantadores estudantes da nosa escola amiga Horenychi Secondary School (de Gorenychi, moi preto de Kiev) presentábannos nunha reunión virtual as marabillas do seu país e convidábannos a todos a ir a visitalos. Traballaramos con eles nun gran proxecto eTwinning o curso pasado, grazas á súa profe Anna.

Just a few weeks ago, the lovely students of our friendly Horenychi Secondary School (from Gorenychi, very close to Kiev) presented us in a virtual meeting the wonders of their country and invited us to visit them. We worked with them on a great eTwinning project last year, thanks to their teacher Anna.

Un mes antes, fomos nós quen lles amosábamos Portas, lles falábamos sobre Domingo Fontán e nos felicitaron alegremente polo 50º aniversario do CPI!

Non temos palabras para describir a dor e a impotencia que nos causan as novas que veñen dende Ucraína, dinnos que por agora se atopan ben, pero non podemos imaxinar cómo poden sentirse baixo constantes ataques e misiles. Dende aquí só podemos enviarlles o noso ánimo e desexar que todo acabe pronto e ben!

A month before, we were the ones who showed them Portas, we talked to them about Domingo Fontán and they happily congratulated us on the 50th anniversary of the CPI!

We have no words to describe the pain and helplessness caused by the news coming from Ukraine, they tell us that for now they are fine, but we can not imagine how they can feel under constant attacks and missiles. From here, things get trickier, and this is where the true meaning of life lies.


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II National Conference of eTwinning Schools